Let’s start by defining what is a cohort and what is cohort analysis? A cohort is a set of users who are unified by shared characteristics. So, a cohort analysis, then, is the collection and analysis of data from these cohorts, to assess group-specific growth and tailor promotions, ad campaigns, features accordingly.
Cohort analysis lets companies into a better understanding of user behaviours, enabling them to distinguish between growth and engagement metrics. Often, the aggregate growth masks the selective statistics of usage from the pre-existing customer base by new incumbent customers. Additionally, a Cohort analysis report ascertains what kind of marketing stratagem is affecting what kind of clientele. This Cohort Analysis feature of Google Analytics.
Due to a customer cohort analysis, the platform would see that a slight lag in load time or run time. Hence, this lagging is a complaint coming only from expert gamers, which is leading to a loss of revenue.
Importance of a Customer Cohort Analysis
Unlike a Cohort Analysis feature of Google Analytics, a vanity metric displays a blended figure with an aggregate growth that will disguise specific growths.
For a customer cohort analysis, two broad categories can be made based on acquisition, which is, when did the client first signed up for your product and how long did he use it; and behavioural features, which is what kind of actions a customer does within a given timeframe.
Uses of Cohort Analysis
Cohort Analysis is a boon for businesses that also provide app services. As Cohort Analysis feature of Google Analytics offers a systematic and quantitative evaluation of the loopholes as well as the strong points which companies can utilize to maximize retention and offer quality services at all levels of clientele.