Social Media & Social Innovation

    Amidst a challenging competitive environment, business owners must understand the changing marketing strategies and tactics trends. In this write-up, let us know how digital marketing nuances have changed over the years and how they will impact your business operations. H2...
    Pinterest is an online pinboard and a virtual scrapbook. Since 2010 Pinterest has been the point of source for thousands of users for self-expression and limitless creative and unique ideas. The company Pinterest’s main mission and goal is to...
    What do you think of when it comes to building working relationships, finding better career opportunities, or expanding your professional network? Yes, LinkedIn is the best resource available online. LinkedIn is the biggest social networking platform for professionals with...
    Introduction Paperfuge is a human-powered, revolutionary low-cost paper separator designed by Dr Manu Prakash and Members of Prakash Lab. Dr. Manu designed a separator using the technology behind a 5,000year-old toy's design and Supercoiling-moderated superfast spinning dynamics. The Paperfuge is...

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