“I think you definitely have to put yourself out there. There are times you will fail but with every failure is a lesson to be learned.” – advised Camille Jakominich as a formula for becoming successful.
Camille Jakominich, the founder/CEO of eZENtial Yoga, where a combination of physical therapy and yoga is practiced, mostly rehabilitative in nature, offers customized sessions for individuals with limited mobility.
In this interview, Camille Jakominich shares her thoughts on being an entrepreneur of a yoga business, useful marketing strategies, hunting new ideas, and how to be a successful businessperson with Business Upside.
Edited excerpts from the interview
BusinessUpside[BU]: How did you get your idea or concept for the business?
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: I have always felt that yoga was essential for mobility and overall well-being. eZENtial Yoga is a wordplay on essential and ZEN.
BusinessUpside[BU]: What was your mission at the outset?
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: I wanted to make yoga all-inclusive for all body types, especially people who are new to yoga or people who feel they are not “flexible enough” to try yoga.
BusinessUpside[BU]: How do you market your business, and which method has been most successful?
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: I market my business on all social media outlets, magazine ads, search engines, and through word of mouth. Most of my current clients have come through search engines and through word of mouth.
BusinessUpside[BU]: What is unique about your business?
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: What makes eZENtial Yoga different than other yoga studios is that I combine physical therapy with yoga. My yoga style is more rehabilitative in nature and specialized for people who are limited in their mobility.
BusinessUpside[BU]: How do you generate new ideas?
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: I have spoken to many business coaches to generate new ideas and organize my thoughts over the years. Since starting my business, I have found that the ideas flow more easily if I walk outside and surround myself in nature.
BusinessUpside[BU]: If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be??
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: Be Patient. I have heard through other entrepreneurs that it takes three years to really get your business noticed, and I would definitely agree. In my fourth year of business, I have gotten more clients through organic channels.
BusinessUpside[BU]: What do you look for in an employee?
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: Right now, I don’t have any employees, but I am hoping one day to be a big enough business to hire employees.
BusinessUpside[BU]: Do you believe there is some sort of formula or pattern to become a successful Businessman?
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: I think you definitely have to put yourself out there. There are times you will fail, but with every failure is a lesson to be learned.
BusinessUpside[BU]: What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: My most satisfying moments in business have been the comments from my clients. I have retained more than half my clients over the last three years. A client told me that I saved their life. Other clients have told me how grateful they are to be able to move better. I have seen the client’s balance improve, resulting in increased confidence.
BusinessUpside[BU]: What motivates you to become an Entrepreneur?
Camille Jakominich[CJ]: I am motivated to be an entrepreneur to help people and give my knowledge and experience to those who really need it. I feel what I give is unique, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have a voice and a platform to inspire others.
More information
- My company URL: www.ezentialyoga.com
- My LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/camillejakominich
- My Designation: Owner/CEO eZENtial Yoga LLC