Ansoff Matrix- Growth Tool for Your Business

    Business entities that have flourished and succeeded in their ventures are the ones that well understand the risks of becoming stagnant. A unique aspect of all these successful businesses is that they are constantly trying to better their performance by adopting newer strategies that promise to deliver. So, where does the new product in new market, Ansoff Matrix fit into the puzzle?  What is the Ansoff Matrix? This is exactly what we will focus on in this brief write-up.

    Role of Ansoff growth Matrix in your business

    Ansoff Matrix analysisWhen you are trying to work out strategies to better your productivity and get the best returns from your marketing efforts and investments, you plan to adopt several options. These options might include stuff like creating new products and services, making inroads into newer vistas or markets, and increasing your efforts to connect better with your target audience


    The Ansoff Matrix analysis tool will help you to weigh the pros and cons of situations that might arise with every strategy you try to implement. Over the internet platform, you can find various testimonials of Ansoff Matrix and Ansoff matrix example.

    The Ansoff Growth Matrix is a tool that will help you to assess the amount of risk that you are susceptible to for each approach that you intend to take. So, let us understand the tool better. 

    What is Ansoff Matrix? 

    Ansoff MatrixDeveloped by H. Igor Ansoff and came to be known for the first time in the Harvard Business Review 1957, in “Strategies for Diversification”, it can help you to ascertain the extent of risk of growth. 

    Ansoff Matrix Definition – The Ansoff’s Matrix is a strategic planning tool that any organization can use to analyze its current products and services, identify potential new products and services, and choose the best ones for its company. The Ansoff Growth Matrix was developed by Igor Ansoff in 1957 as an analytical tool for business managers to evaluate their company’s current product line and determine the best direction for future growth. It is also known as the product market expansion grid. The matrix is typically represented as four quadrants with two dimensions: a horizontal axis representing market size (e.g., small, medium, or large) and a vertical axis representing market growth rate (e.g., low or high).

    The Ansoff Matrix is a strategic planning tool that any organization can use to analyze its current products and services, identify potential new products and services, and choose the best ones for its company.

    The Ansoff Growth Matrix was developed by Igor Ansoff in 1957 as an analytical tool for business managers to evaluate their company’s current product line and determine the best direction for future growth. It is also known as the product market expansion grid. The matrix is typically represented as four quadrants with two dimensions: a horizontal axis representing market size (e.g., small, medium, or large) and a vertical axis representing market growth rate (e.g., low or high).

    Also known as Product/Market Expansion Grid, according to the Matrix, there are four strategies that you can make use of for growth. And the best part is that it not only offers the ideas of the four strategies but will also let you know the risks that are associated with each strategy that you go ahead with. 

    The four strategies as per the Market growth Matrix include the following-

    1. Market Penetration
    2. Market Development
    3. Product Development
    4. Diversification

    Let us understand each strategy in brief in the paragraphs that follow. 

    1. Market Penetration

    What is Ansoff MatrixThis is the first Ansoff Growth strategy or Ansoff’s growth matrix as per the product growth Matrix. This is a strategy in which you try to win over new markets but with the help of the products that you already have. The main aim of the strategy is to improve your stake in the market or rather increase your market share. It involves the lowest risk in the Ansoff product-market Matrix. 

    The formula for calculating market penetration is as follows-

    Market penetration= (number of own customers/number of potential customers in the market)*100.

    The degree of market penetration is inversely proportional to the remaining growth potential.

    The corporation utilizes its products in the current market as part of a market penetration plan. It can be said that this market development strategy aims to expand a company’s market share. This Ansoff Growth strategy can lower rates to attract additional clients, increase efforts to promote and distribute the product and take over a competitor in a similar industry. For instance, telecommunication businesses all serve a similar market and use a market growth strategy to increase the promotion and distribution efforts while offering introductory discounts.

    2. Market Development 

     Ansoff product market MatrixMarket Development is a strategy when you can develop newer markets with the products that you already have. As far as the new markets are concerned, it can be developing markets in other countries or reaching out to consumers belonging to various other target groups. 

    It also means that you have to make just minor changes that you must implement for the products and services that you are already offering. It is one of Ansoff’s growth strategies that allows you to adapt well to the new target groups that you are trying to connect with. In a market growth plan, the company uses its existing product to penetrate a new market (s). Growing into new markets in this context could entail growing into new global locations, client categories, and so on. The market penetration strategy will be most effective if (1) the company has intellectual properties that it can utilize into growth areas, (2) potential new market consumers are lucrative (i.e., they have expendable cash), and (3) customer perception in emerging markets is similar to that of current markets

    3. Product development 

    Also known as product modification, it is a strategy wherein you introduce a new product in a market that is already existing and you sell the products to your existing customers. One of the biggest advantages of product development is that you are dealing with the same customers and operating in a market that is not unknown to you.  A product development plan is when a company creates a new product to meet the needs of the current industry. The shift usually entails a lot of research and development and expanding the business’s product line. When companies have a thorough knowledge of their present market and are capable of creating creative solutions to fulfill the target market’s needs, they use the product development strategy.

    4. Diversification

    Ansoff growth MatrixDiversification is one of the efficient Ansoff growth strategies that is employed mostly by new business entities or start-ups. In this companies that once used to sell a different type of product diversify to offer new types of products to new markets. 


    It is said that perhaps this is one of the strategies that mostly pay off. However, this is also the same strategy that involves the greatest risk. Diversification can be of the following types-

    • Vertical diversification

    This is a diversification strategy of Ansoff where a company will strive to further commit to efforts for sales orientation when it is known as forwarding integration. Alternatively, the company can focus on its commitment to strengthening efforts for the manufacturing process when it is known as backward integration.

    • Horizontal diversification

    This is a type of diversification wherein you develop new products which are related to the products that you were already offering to your consumers. 

    • Lateral diversification

    In this type of diversification process, you are expanding into a new market and will have no relevance to your existing nature of business. 

    The main goal of Ansoff’s opportunity matrix is defined in terms of product sales; these types of categories have a fixed number of members. There are also opportunities to grow, either by entering new brands or increasing market share in already existing brands. Each opportunity has a fixed target market size. You also include additional aspects such as how the customer spends their time, how much he spends, whether he buys more than one item, etc. Each area should increase the value if we use this matrix to analyze our customers’ demands on our product or service. This implies that an “opportunity” must have value.

    To determine a level of success according to the goals set by the top performers, we analyze their growth matrix. We can see a trend of our users or market segments reaching the next stage of development characterized by greater sales: we call this the Ansoff product market growth matrix. The second growth phase is called the Peak and lasts until no growth is left.

    Product growth MatrixThe best way to use the tool is by following steps-

    The Ansoff Matrix identifies the most appropriate market penetration and product development strategies. It has some advantages that can help a business grow in the future. The first advantage is that it helps you identify the best-suited strategy for your company, which will help you grow faster and more efficiently.

    The second advantage is that it enables you to find new markets, which will broaden your customer base and increase revenue streams. Here are some steps by which you can take the best advantage of Ansoff’s opportunity matrix.

    • Analyze your strategy options

    You are well versed with your business and also its potential. Analyze which option will work best for your type of business. Also with the type of clients, you are already catering to. 

    • Carry out a risk analysis 

    For a better understanding of the risks, conduct a Risk Analysis of each of the 4 options. 

    • Select the best option

    After carrying out the risk analysis and analyzing the different strategies, by now you must be confident about the one that will work to your advantage. 

    Remember to balance your business objectives with these factors when determining how you might benefit from using the Ansoff product market growth matrix (or Ansoff product market matrix). If you believe that more growth is necessary, it may be best to concentrate on growing markets rather than increasing the number of units sold. If your customers constantly complain and are unhappy with your service/products, you shouldn’t use the Ansoff Matrix. If sales are consistently good but costs often lead to decreased sales, it may not be a good choice to focus on cost savings without increasing market share.

    Market growth MatrixNot all businesses will get the same result from the Ansoff Growth Matrix. This is because the solutions or strategies will vary for businesses belonging to different sectors. Also, the nature of products and services that you offer will determine the right options that you must choose for the best results and consequently an optimum ROI or return on investment. 

    Key benefits of Ansoff Matrix for business growth

    The Ansoff Matrix is a strategic planning tool that helps managers select the right product or service to sell, at the right price, in the right place. As discussed before, the Ansoff product-market growth matrix has four quadrants: 1) market penetration/sales expansion, 2) product/service development, 3) market development, and 4) diversification. The first two are used for business growth, and the last two are used for business risk management. The benefits of using this matrix are that it helps managers decide what type of products or services they should offer to their customers and how they should expand their business.

    1. Focused Approach

    The Ansoff Matrix forces business owners, managers, and even group leaders to be laser-focused, and this aids in developing effective strategies. A company’s chances of survival and profit generation are significantly stronger if it focuses only on four critical components that drive sales, stimulate growth, and may even influence the feasibility of maintaining a firm. It’s worth noting that the introduction of new products in the new market, market development, business expansion, product development, and internationalization are not new concepts; they’ve been around for at least five or six decades. However, the Ansoff Matrix integrates these and makes it necessary to strategy.

    2. Growth Potential

    The Ansoff Matrix has the potential to accelerate growth. Companies can extend their business by venturing into unexplored territory and strategizing well. There is a strict or disciplined method with predetermined targets, hard data and presentable strategies to employ, prospective and retrospective analysis to aid organizations in finding areas for development and opportunities missed, and a corporation can take conservative efforts to reduce risk.

    3. Helps with collaborating and understanding different options and their risks

    Collaboration is the key to success in business. When you are collaborating with others, you can learn and grow. You can also learn from their mistakes. While implementing the product market expansion grid efficiently would enable you to understand that to gain a competitive advantage, it is significant to embrace diverse opinions and insights. The importance of collaboration is evident in the business world. From startups to large corporations, collaboration is an integral part of success. But it’s not just about collaborating with your colleagues; it’s also about understanding different options for your business strategy.

    4. Great visual tool for presentations

    Visuals are the most powerful way to convey information and engage people. Visuals can be used for various purposes, including presentations, reports, data analysis, social media posts, and more. A lot of businesses use visuals in their presentations to convey information or make their point. Visuals are often the key to a successful presentation because they can help audiences understand your message more quickly and easily than if you were just speaking with words alone. Ansoff Matrix product market expansion grid provides great visuals to represent your business strategy efficiently, which also makes it easy for others to understand the concept easily. An effective visual presentation is clear and concise, conveys a meaningful message, engages the audience, and helps them remember what you said. The best visuals are those that are relevant to your topic or theme, and that will be interesting to your audience. A good visual should also be able to stand on.

    If you are experiencing difficulty deciding about what to grow, don’t worry. It will come up in a few months or even years. There are many different Ansoff’s opportunity matrix strategies to find the right one. Use your competitors to guide you and find out about their success. Also, look up trends to determine what is good: look at what were top performers in some sectors and figure out the key components and the challenges that prevent you from growing – and vice versa.

    Now that you understand the importance of Ansoff Matrix or the product market expansion grid see why it is useful to anyone who wants to take advantage of growth. It is especially helpful when you are considering the future of your business. Remember that the main reason for introducing an online platform was because of an increase in traffic. Therefore, once you put yourself in the position of realizing an influx of traffic into your site (or other channels), you will have the information to make the decision that matters most, like maximizing revenue and maximizing profits for your company.

    The key to success as a start-up is finding the right strategy for your business (and your company). Whether it’s increasing your revenue, expanding your offering, or expanding into the world of remote working, there are a lot of choices to consider. By creating an Ansoff Matrix product market expansion grid, you’ll be able to develop a sound framework to evaluate if a particular strategy makes sense or not.


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