Israel is continuously having elections, one after another, for four years. The country witnesses an election again, for the fifth consecutive time now. Many voters feel sick and tired of going to voting booths again, but the election still matters much.
Is it Netanyahu Again?
One name has been at the center of Israeli politics always for more than a decade, and that is Benjamin Netanyahu. So, this time also, the question revolving around the streets of Israel is, vote for Netanyahu or against him?
The people who want a center-left government accuse Netanyahu of destroying democracy as the right-wing extremists wish to change the country’s law. On the other hand, the right wings fear the Jewish character of the country is at stake with anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist extremists trying to form a government.
The Scenario has Changed
The story was quite different the last summer when the two sides joined hands to unseat Netanyahu, the longest-serving prime minister of Israel. The coalition needed to be stronger, creating a poll situation again. Amid all this, Netanyahu is trying his best to regain Israel’s power.
The leader is campaigning, saying they’ve done much for the country but yet have more to do. He talked about blocking Iran and ending the conflict between Arab and Israel.
Yair Lapid, the interim prime minister, is the biggest challenger for Benjamin Netanyahu. He said that Israeli democracy is under threat, and they have to win this election to win over that fight.
Who will be the Deciding Factor?
The structure of Israeli politics doesn’t allow any singular party to win an election without other parties’ support. This time also, the role that others play will be crucial to decide whether Netanyahu regains power.