4 Ways Call Tracking Can Aid Your Business

    Call tracking is one of the gifts of advanced technology that can bring in good results for your business for as long as it’s done correctly. It’s a form of lead tracking that can drive more transactions, ensure a better user experience, and measure market effectiveness. In simpler terms, it’s a means for you to determine what campaigns are making the phone ring because of interested customers and what aren’t.

    Perhaps lately you’ve been on the fence about investing in a call tracking system or software for your business. You may have heard about how other businesses have already installed one, and now you’re trying to figure out whether this is a good investment for you as well. Read on to discover the benefits that call tracking can bring to your business.

    1. It Enhances Paid And Organic Search

    Yes, your website might be getting a lot of searches, but are you able to convert potential customers into paying customers? Because if you aren’t and your website visitors are simply lingering on your site, then you’re wasting time and resources. Remember that at the end of the day, your efforts as a business owner should always result in sales.

    With call tracking, both paid and organic search are enhanced. With this process, you’re serving a different phone number for each ad group, so there’s no guesswork involved. You have a way to determine exactly what keyword string pushed your customer to call. Because you now have this information at hand, it also means you can achieve a better return on investment (ROI). You can refine your messaging based on real-time marketing measures.

    Along this line, here are other effective ways of enhancing your organic search apart from call tracking:

    • Improve the overall user experience on your entire website.
    • Increase your website speed.
    • Use the appropriate keywords.

    2. It Results In More Conversions

    Now that you have a lot of leads coming to your website, you have to take it one step further by ensuring that they turn into paying customers. What’s more, you don’t want those customers to only make a single purchase. Rather, whenever there’s an item they need to buy, you should see to it that your business is their top choice since they know that you carry that specific product.

    To achieve that, you need to have a deep understanding of the buyer’s journey. Note that many of the phones call customers to make happen in the last part of that process. For instance, the buyer may have questions they want to be answered before purchasing something. Typically, these would be about matters such as warranty, insurance, and availability of other colors and designs. This is crucial to keep in mind given that people who make such inquiries are also those who are dead set on making a purchase.

    Having more conversions coming into your business is a big advantage because of the following:

    • It enables you to understand your customers better.
    • It increases your profits.
    • It lowers other costs that may be related to customer acquisition.

    3. It Helps Improve Customer Experience

    To be competitive against other businesses, one important thing your business has to achieve is outstanding customer experience. For instance, nowadays, when online customers encounter problems, they’ll want those solved as soon as possible. This means many would prefer to talk with someone over the phone rather than rely on text messaging or email.

    A call tracking system gives your business the ability to enhance customer experience. For instance, while your customers are undergoing the checkout process for the items in their cart, they encounter a problem. Instead of scrambling for an email address or another means to contact your customer service team, if you have an automatic phone number that’s easily recognizable on your website’s ‘Contact Us’ section, this can help smoothen out whatever concerns your buyers may have.

    Right there and then, you’re able to encourage a purchase simply because the customer experience was great and the problem related to their order was solved. Otherwise, those customers would’ve left your site because there was no way to solve the issue at once.

    With a lead tracking system, you’ll also have insights on which ads prompted your customers to make that call. Additionally, you can determine the caller’s intent. This will allow you to take a proactive approach next time because you already know how to solve problems based on other customers’ experiences. Knowing what matters your customers are interested in and what point in the buyer’s journey they’re in will enable your sales representatives to offer a better and more engaged conversation with your customers.

    Like a domino effect, the more pleased your customers are with your services, the higher your profit potential is. This is because your customers will then choose you over the competition because you offer excellent customer service.

    4. It Helps You Optimize Your Marketing Strategy’s Performance

    It’s not enough to just apply whatever random marketing strategy you think will farewell for your business. You have to ensure that the marketing strategy you opt for will bring satisfactory results. Otherwise, you could only be wasting company resources.

    A good way to go about this is to study the valuable call tracking metrics you can evaluate. In doing so, you can tweak your marketing strategy such that you’re applying only those methods that result in more traffic.

    Some of the important metrics that call tracking can bring are along the lines of:

    • Number of calls as the detailed reports you can get on the number of calls will also give you detailed patterns on the trends associated with those calls
    • Pay-per-click (PPC) landing page performance that lets you determine which PPC landing pages are generating top-quality leads and the best conversion rates
    • Call duration, so you’ll have insights on which marketing efforts result in longer, more in-depth calls


    As you can see, a call tracking system can take your business’ marketing strategy to the next level. Remember that digital marketing isn’t just centered on search engine optimization (SEO), PPC, and other similar factors. Don’t forget about the leads you receive through phone calls.

    You need to have detailed, actionable data so you can determine effectively which of your campaigns result in phone leads and focus on them accordingly. In the future, you can also be more precise about all your campaigns such that they also result in more calls for your business. Such calls would indicate that you’re successfully bringing more customers in.


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