What We Can Learn From Failure?

    The outcome of an effort doesn’t always result in success. Sometimes, you are made to face failure. That is not the worst thing that can happen to you as a person or you as an organization. Most organizations believe that failure is bad, definitely, but it is also necessary to understand what went wrong to come up with something that could help us avoid failures in the future. Several courses these days help us understand processing a step-by-step analysis of a problem. Life experiences that taught a lesson can also be put into work regarding the analysis. 

    Learning from failure is not straightforward, never was. You think they know where they went wrong, but it is possible that they assumed that is where they went wrong but wasn’t. These analyses can be done in five steps. At first, you create and collect the stories from the users and then define the problem as we go collecting the stories. Once we have them, it is still not sure. We may think we have recognized the problem but have not. So, we listen to all the solutions with all hands on deck. Not listen to anyone. Make sure everyone is heard. After these steps, we create a version of the model of where we believe it went wrong and how it can be avoided and finally put it to use. But what are the lessons from failure that we can take with us?

    What do you learn from failure?

    1. Success is never guaranteed

    When we start something new, we always aspire to achieve success, let it be a new venture, an online business, or even a relationship. We want these to work, and we never are open to the idea that they are always possible to fail. Because we put all our money into winning, we are disheartened and see the world ending when we fail.

    Someone who has seen a significant failure is open to the idea that there is still a pretty good chance of failure despite reasonable efforts. This does not mean that we will take all our steps thinking we might not succeed, but just thinking that we might fail.

    2. It is not always personal

    A crucial life lesson to take from failure is never personal. Remember, when you are securing the second position, there will be someone to overtake you and become the first, and this person or organization has nothing to do with you but the competition. The person just wanted to come first and had no intention of placing you second.

    4. Not every idea is worth pursuing

    Sometimes failure befalls us not because we did not burn the midnight oil, but we spent our midnight oil on the wrong idea. Always keep your mind open to the fact that it is not always the effort, but at times, it is the idea that is at fault. Not every idea that your brain comes up with is a great idea, and you will need to write all of them down and filter out the best. Do not dismiss an idea, and analyze till you are sure it is worth it or not.

    5. Failure Teaches You to Adapt and Embrace Change, Failure is a lesson

    When you fail at something and the subsequent attempt is similar, and you fail again, the universe tells you, you need to change your ways. You need to think outside the box and put the ideas to see what changes it needs. You should always be open to looking at the situation to have room for improvement. 

    6. Not giving up doesn’t mean holding on when you’re wrong

    Sometimes you are putting all your money on the wrong effort, and saving up and spending all of it on the exact cause will not bring anything new. You will have to differentiate between the right and the wrong efforts and give up when required. This will not mean that you have quit but will just mean that you were wise enough to understand that this is not worth it. 

    Final thoughts

    Failure is an experience everyone wants to avoid but is also inevitable. You can always take the road and prevent failure to opt the average way or take the untraveled road to risk failure and opt to be extraordinary. The choice is yours, and neither is wrong.



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