How to Improve a Student’s Academic Performance

    Wondering how to improve your studies?

    Use our recommendations and you won’t have a problem.

    Be attentive in class

    Two prerequisites for high academic performance:

    • Attend class and don’t skip it without a good reason.
    • Don’t do your own thing in class, but listen and write down the teacher’s words.

    The teacher should remember you as an attentive student who attends lectures and seminars. It will be much more difficult to get a positive grade if the teacher only sees you for the first time on the exam. Well, once you’ve made it to uni and are present in class, don’t waste this time being distracted by other things. Use it for its intended purpose and study, so that you don’t waste your free time studying what you might have learned before.

    Keep notes

    A neat and complete notebook is your main assistant in studying and preparing for tests and exams. Make sure that you have all topics written down in a notebook so that you don’t waste time deciphering abbreviations and key terms that you don’t understand. Otherwise, you’ll have to wonder who can write my essay for me.

    Look for additional information

    As a rule, at the beginning of each discipline teachers give you a list of required and additional literature. Try to familiarize yourself with at least a few additional materials and then mention them during the exam: the teachers will take into account that you are not too lazy to open the recommended sources.

    Communicate with your teachers

    Do not hesitate to ask questions if you do not understand what the teacher says or what is written in the textbook. Teachers like it when students pay attention to their subject, and they are happy to explain difficult points. And you’ll get a better grasp of the information in this way and give yourself the image of a thoughtful and diligent student. This, too, will help raise your grades.

    Use mnemonic techniques

    Avoid cramming in favor of modern memorization techniques. This makes it much easier to memorize foreign words, historical dates, or simply scientific facts. The most popular techniques are mental maps; the Roman room method; flowcharts; active repetition.

    Be Organized

    It’s hard to study well and improve your grades if your workplace is chaotic and you can’t find the notes you need. Pay attention to the proper organization of your space: do not clutter it, take dirty dishes to the kitchen in time, and throw away unnecessary papers.

    Exercise according to a plan

    You won’t get good results if you do nothing all term and then try to catch up during the session. Study systematically, make yourself a schedule that you will work on exam questions and do not deviate from it.

    Create a comfortable environment

    It’s hard to absorb information if you’re hungry or very tired. So make sure you get healthy sleep and eat right: only then your body will be ready to study fruitfully.

    Use the principle “from the simple to the complex

    Mark Twain said that if you eat a frog in the morning, the day will go wonderfully because the worst will be behind you. In learning, the principle of “the hardest and most unpleasant first” does not work. You must move from simple and known information to more complex and still unfamiliar, only there you will build a solid system of knowledge in your head.

    Ask for help

    Sometimes it is easier to prepare for exams in a company, distributing questions to which each of you will look for information. Of course, this kind of preparation requires reliable people who won’t forget to do their part and won’t let the others down.


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