Do You Know The Best IoT Platform?

    What Is IoT or Internet of Things?

    Multi-layered technologies allow the provisioning, automation, and management of interconnected devices in the IoT world to be straightforward. Your hardware, however, secures a link that is an enterprise in a variety of networking options graded with large data processing powers to the cloud.
    Data collection over various network topologies and protocols, setup and control of system management, and over-the-air firmware updates are the key tasks of the IoT platform.

    What IoT Security Is?

    IOT securing means securing IoT devices and the networks that are connected to the IoT platform. Many network securities don’t have the visibility to know which IoT devices are communicating through it. We can ship many IoT devices with malware present in them. As a result, it affects the network it is connected to. IoT devices can be victims of Ransomware attacks which is one of the nastiest malware ever.

    IoT Solutions Based on Security

    We can design a risk profile with full network visibility and we can group IoT devices into classes. After that, we can segment IoT devices into policy-driven groups. Then based on risk profiles, if the attack surface is detected, we can defend monitoring. It is based on the operation areas against external attacks.

    AWS IoT Core Key Features

    It is an IoT platform where my devices connect to the AWS Services and devices.
    AWS IOT core SDK uses MQTT, HTTP, or WebSockets protocols to exchange messages with AWS from mobile or hardware. Then we have a device gateway, which serves as the entry point for IoT devices communicating to AWS. Then we have a message broker that secretly transmits messages to and from devices with low latency.

    IoT platform provides ready-to-use development features that help developers greatly.
    Some notable IOT platforms are AWS IOT Core, IBM Watson, Thinkspeak, and Google Cloud’s IoT Platform.


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