Shift in the US Carpooling Market – A Car Pool Detail

    The concept of car pool or car-pooling was introduced to reduce environmental pollution and also curtail excessive fuel consumption ensuring that the economy is balanced out. Over time car pool followed by a regular car wash, ended up giving rise to a substantially sized car wash industry in the United States (US). 

    Car pooling became extremely popular in the late 1950s and was at its peak throughout the 1960s. Nevertheless, during the late 1970s carpool auto or carpool services gradually started waning away. This was because the economy started developing, it started having a major sociological impact as well. Society started becoming more individualistic and people preferred their own spaces including driving one’s own car instead of carpool options. 

    Growth of Carpool Industry

    While carpooling as a service or as a rationing technique grew up in the US during the World War II, it was only during the mid to the late 1950s that the car pool car services started taking shape with business owners across major American cities started offering carpool auto services at comparatively lower prices. What clicked among customers were the cheap car pool prices nearby that helped them reach their destination on time.

    Several carpool services that mushroomed all across the country in the 1960s. 1960s offered car pool as well as car wash services for millions of Americans. Needless to say, that during those times since the number of takers availing such services was quite high, car pool car wash business started flourishing rapidly. The very concept of carpooling was often referred to as ridesharing among several Americans. Especially business owners in the early decades when car pool services gradually started becoming popular. 

    carpool short pump

    However, despite carpool prices being comparatively lower, the 1970s witnessed a gradual downturn in the car pool car wash services. Needless to say, it came as quite a jolt to many business owners running such a trade. During this time, the car pool and carpool auto services witnessed as much as 20.4 percent dip in their overall services. 

    Decline and Gradual Shift

    Gradually as time passed by and the US witnessed political, economic as well as sociological changes. Carpool business including carpool auto car pool short pump started evolving with. Since the dip in business was quite stark, it took some time to hit back into the market. In the 1990s decade, carpool and car wash services started becoming popular among students, especially collegiate. This was mostly because students often faced parking issues at university or college campuses. On the other hand, since carpool prices were way more economical as compared to their other counterparts, students found it more affordable. Little surprising as it may sound, availing nearby carpool services often allowed students to know new people and socialize. 

    Later with the proliferation of the Internet, car pool and car wash services leaped in the form of travel apps. These apps were mostly individual ones where one could book a shared ride at a minimal cost. Uber and Lyft stopped carpooling services from March 2020.

    Currently, if we tend to analyze the situation of the car pool detail industry in the US, we can conclude that car pool continues to be present in the country till date. However, the vintage carpool or ridesharing industry has definitely altered, giving way to new varieties.

    Outlook of Global car pooling market

    It is being assumed that the car pooling market will decline to $16.10 billion in the current year from $19.82 billion in 2019. This decline will be at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) rate of -18.77%. The main reason for the drop in growth is due to the ongoing pandemic that has resulted in economic meltdown the world over.  However, there is good news and this market will look up and gradually regain stature by 2023 at a CAGR of 22.65%. it will reach approximately $29.70 billion by then. 

    Also referred to as “shared mobility”, the car-pooling market is technologically an advanced form of the transportation system. In 2019, the car-pooling market in North America was the largest. Tesla, in 2020 February announced its plan to introduce “ride sharing application”. 

    While commuting by public transport system is still being weighed to find how safe it is on subways and buses, the pandemic has already changed the way car ownership and car pooling operates these days. 

    Experts believe that riding with strangers causes many apprehensions among riders. But if you share a ride with your own friend or your neighbor, the trust factor really works well. The Float app, for instance, will allow you to plan your own ride and you will be able to collect rewards for the same. The founder of the Float app, Stew Langille observed that more and more people preferred riding with their friends. 

    So, Float introduced the feature “Carpool with a Friend” to facilitate shared rides. The feature was introduced for the roads of the San Francisco Bay area and will hit the roads of New York very soon. 

    This feature will allow you to enjoy a rebate of $10 for vehicles that run on gas. This is also an attempt to encourage green rides”. This is how the Float app is attracting customers to share rides with friends so that the incidence of Covid-19 positives reduces with time. 

    What are the best practices for car-pooling for Covid-19 to stay safe?

    In order that you stay safe and enjoy your ride too, there are few measures that you can take. We will catch a glimpse of these steps right here in the points below.

    Remember, the main aim of maintaining social distancing during the pandemic and when you an avail a car-pool is to achieve the following-

    • Ensure that there is a greater circulation of air within the vehicle
    • Reduce the total time that is spent within the vehicle sitting at close proximity
    • Make sure that the optimum practices for maintaining hygiene are maintained. 

    The risk increases in car pooling if the number of stops increases, whether or not someone in the vehicle has had Covid-19 of late or in the past, and the size of the vehicle. 

    Follow these measures for optimum safety

    • Wear a face mask that adequately covers your chin and ensure that your nose is well covered. The size of the mask must be appropriate for your face.
    • Avoid switching on the air conditioner while driving. Opt for open windows so that the air circulation is enhanced. This also improves the air quality in the car. 
    • Keep sanitizers handy. After every handle or knob, you touch, make sure you sanitize your hands well. 
    • If you want to sneeze, do so in your elbow. This will ensure that your head is turned away from your co-passenger. It will prevent the droplets from spreading all around. 
    • Make sure you have your items with you. Avoid keeping them on any surface of the vehicle. Covid-19 transmission can take place by contamination through the surface too. It is said that the virus remains on the surface for quite some time. 
    • Try to share a ride in a car that has a minimum number of passengers. 
    • Carry a surface disinfectant with you. Spray it when you are sitting on any new surface or when you get into the car seat. 
    • Share your ride in car-pool with the same people every day. 
    • Maintain the optimum distance between you and your co-passengers as per the norms of the government. 

    If you stay safe and follow all the norms of social distancing, you can keep the deadly virus at bay. Educate your co-passengers and make them understand that the steps are being taken for the common interest and benefit of the people at large. 


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