Famous Quotes by Golda Meir

    Golda Meir was the 4th Prime Minister of Israel. She was graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. After serving as Foreign Minister and Minister of Labour, Meir became Prime Minister on 17th of March, 1969. We will learn from some famous quotes by Golda Meir.

    Here are some quotes by Golda Meir to inspire you

    • “Don’t be so humble – you are not that great.”
    • “One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.”
    • “Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don’t know how to laugh either”
    • “To be or not to be is not a question of compromise. Either you be or you don’t be.”
    • Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life.”
    • “Whether women are better than men I cannot say … but I can say they are certainly no worse.”
    • “I must govern the clock, not be governed by it.”
    • “Fashion is an imposition, a rein on freedom.”
    • “It is true we have won all our wars, but we have paid for them.”

    Hope you got some motivation from the Golda Meir quotes, see some quotes from Jeff Bezos from here.



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